Yes once again folks ,The Fairmile Natter is hosting it’s famous/infamous –New Year celebration .
In 2018 the theme is HOGMANAY – an evening with a Scottish accent.
Quips such as –‘What’s worn beneath the Kilt –NOTHING –it’s all in perfect working order!’ –welcome.
Our usual sumptuous 3 course meal ,with coffee and tea included ,will be available AT THE 2017 PRICE-a fiscally prudent £15 per head – a deal to meet with any Scots approval –and the menu comprises all new choices.
The evening will climax with a Scottish Limerick Competition ,accompanied by a wee dram- at nae extra cost!
Your entry must include a Scottish place name AND the letters M.G.- i.e.-
‘There was a young man from Dundee
Who purchased a Midget M.G.
His Lassie said – Paul, that things much too small,
I’ll look frae a lad wi’ a C. ! ‘
You get the idea?
As ever , fantastic prizes and extra points for wearing the Tartan or having a Scottish name .
Download the Menu choices and booking form –MONEY ON THE NICHT.
Return to JON GLOVER .
Remember ‘If you can say it’s a braw bricht moonlit nicht –yer allreet –y’ken!!’