Updated obituary.
We are sad to announce the death of SE member Peter Wallace. Peter will be remembered as a keen yachtsman and MG owner. His beautiful grey MG VA Tickford tourer has been much in evidence at all of our recent events.
Chris Leigh, Chairman MGCC SE
This obituary is from David Griffiths:-
Our friend and fellow MG enthusiast, Peter, sadly died on Thursday 5th November 2020, having succumbed to Covid-19.
Much of his working life was spent with Air Products, part of his time being based in France. He also set up a factory for them in the Czech Republic. He was a great Francophile and skier, and had an apartment just outside Chamonix, and always took to the slopes to celebrate the first snow falls of the season.
Sailing had always been Peter’s passion, and it had taken up the majority of his leisure time. Over the years he had owned a number of yachts, which were always called Gunshot. Peter was a stalwart of the Chichester Cruiser Racing Club and also an avid racer, competing in many races both nationally and internationally, including the Fastnet Race. Di his wife, sadly passed away in early 2017 and shortly after Peter hung up his oil skins and retired from sailing, his last boat having been a Moody 38.
Having imported his late brother John’s YT from New Zealand, Peter immersed himself in all things MG! Peter participated in a number of events, including those organised by the Sussex Wanderers, in either his car or the PA of his brother, Colin, both sharing driving and navigating duties. Peter’s interest in MGs rapidly grew and the collection was expanded to include an RV8 and latterly the immaculate VA, which he proudly drove on his last MG outing.
Whilst Peter had been on the MG scene for a comparatively short time, he was a very welcoming and sociable person. MG gatherings will be all the poorer without his smile, jovial personality and his immaculate cars.