The South East Centre has a busy weekend coming up on the 7th and 8th Aguust with two great “turn-up” events.
Firstly on Saturday 7th August the South East MGF Register is gathering on Hayling Island for their annual Fish n Chips on the beach. There is no run or other organised activites , just turn up in the beach car park opposite the Coast Cafe on Sea Front and meet up with the other MGs before getting some fish n chips and sitting on the beach with tem – bring you own chairs etc. It is open to any MG this year so if you are from the area , or even if you are not, then you are welcome to meet up and join them.
Let Tim Morris kno if you can come so we know who to expect – [email protected] or put your name on their facebook page :- HERE

Then the following day, Sunday 8th August, we have “A Spledid Summer Day” out at the Kent & East Sussex Railway. Arrive at Tenterden Railway Station before 10am to park in a special MG only parking area. Train rides at yur leisure but they ust be pre-booked using a special code provided by Chris Leigh when you let him kno that you would like to join us. Email Chris at [email protected] to register.
For more details on the splendid day click HERE