Two rounds have taken place so far in the 2021 Alternative Pride of Ownership competition.
The first round at Newdigate had a select gathering partially due to the threat of rain showers, although the day was dry and pleasant from midday onwards. Nine cars took part with the Car of Show going to Dave Naylor with his L2 accompanied by Firsts for Simon Gray with his lovely MG Metro in BAR, Adrian Malthouse MGA in BR and Robin Albert MG in MU.
The second round was at The Pheasant Natter with again a dry evening with 12 cars taking part although several regulars were taking holidays, etc. on this particular evening. Again Car of Show was won by Dave Naylor with Firsts for Steve Arthur in MGB BR, Steve Fletcher with his very original MGCGT BAR and Robin Albert in MGA.
The final round takes place at the Fairmile Natter on Thursday 12th August starting at 7.30pm to maximise available daylight. There is a close competition for the overall award (the only trophy presented) between Dave Naylor and Robin Albert who is leading at the moment with one point. Hopefully there will also be a local MG Dealer present showing a couple of the new electric MG Cars.
John Morgan