The final round of the Alternative PoO took place at the Fairmile in Cobham on the 12th August and nearly 40 MGS took part! They looked great on the grass in front of the pub. MG dealership Richmonds brought along a new MG HS Plug in Hybrid for the members to have a look at and it certainly received a lot of attention.
John Morgan was the man behind the POO and here is his report on the fnal round:
The 2021 Alternative Pride of Ownership concluded at The Faimile Natter on Thursday 12th August. The final round was supported by a bumper entry of 30 cars and the natter was attended by nearly 40 cars, which is the largest support we have seen. The MGF Register were in attendance along with an MG Dealer, Richmond Motor Group from Guildford who brought along a hybrid MG HS SUV.
Overall, 38 members took part in the three rounds with a good number of entries in each class. After two rounds, David Naylor’s overall score, that counts for the annual trophy, was being challenged by Robin Albert with his ‘very well used’ MGA. Unfortunately, the battle didn’t commence at the final round as Robin’s MGA expired on Reigate on the way to the Fairmile.
The event overall went again to David Naylor by three points over Simon Gray’s MG Metro which although entered in the Best All Rounder Class that has the most competition, managed to accumulate a respectable number of points. On top of that, the Metro is Simon’s daily transport, but it really is too nice a car to qualify for the Most Used class.
Only four cars completed all three rounds, it just seems a little strange that more members are not prepared to drive their cars that extra distance even if all three rounds were in Surrey. Entering all three rounds just means the extra bit of competition for the main and only trophy for the event.
As always, if anyone has some suggestions for updating the classes, they will be gratefully received for review. When first conceived MGs were regularly being used for the commuting or second car function, hence the Most Used class, but this is rarely seen these days.
Winners of the third round were:
Most used: Dave Naylor – L2 First
Best All Rounder: Jon Glover – MGF first, Simon Gray – MG Metro second, Chris Goscomb – MGTF and Joy Anderson – TC joint third.
Best restored: Mark Britton – MGC first, Adrian Malthouse – MGA second, Phil Furlong – MGCGT third
Car of Show went to John Bowen with a well-used MGF in the Most Used Class who beat Dave Naylor by one point.
A special prize of a bottle of wine was presented to Rob Ball by Jon Glover for the best MGF of the show.

The whole event was held over three locations – Newdigate, Reigate and Cobham. To be in with a chance of winning the overall competition you preferably needed to attend all three!
The overall winner of the event was Dave Naylor in his MG L2 who amassed 40 points in total.

In second place was Simon Gray and his MG Metro which is his everyday driver and in third place was Peter Gray in an MGTC. All of them had attended all three rounds.
Thank you to John Morgan for orgnising this year’s event and to all those who took part. Here is a gallery of the winners at the Fairmile and some of the cars.
John Morgan shook hands with Dave Naylor, Simon Gray, Jon Glover, Phil Furlong, Adrian Malthouse, Mark Britten, John Bowen and Jon Glover shook hands with Rob Ball.
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