The Spring Newsletter has been sent out now to all MGCCSE members for whom we have an email address. If you haven’t received it by email then please check your Spam/Junk box as they can sometimes end up there as it is a mass mailout! If you still can’t find it then it may be because we don’t have your email address. If that is the case please contact us at [email protected] .
The Spring edition is full of features including an MG Musical Adventure and a look at an electric MGB plus plenty of reports on recent events including the Spring Naviscat and Trials and a race report from the MGCC’s first meet at Brands Hatch. Then there are the Natter and Wanderer group reports as local meets and runs finally get underway again.
We look forward to the Spring season of MGCCSE events and you’ll find a full listing in this newsletter. The weather is warming up and it is time to see you joining in and get those MGs off SORN.