Naviscats are a special type of Treasure Hunt. They take place on public roads and competing teams must always abide by the Highway Code. To take part in this event you will need to supply your own 1:50,000 series Landranger Ordnance Survey Map entitled “Sheet 188 Maidstone & Royal Tunbridge Wells”. You will also need to be able to plot 6-figure map references from a Question Sheet and work out your own route. A special award is always given to the best novice.
This Autumn’s competition starts and finishes at a lovely country pub hidden in the hills near Brands Hatch. Competitors should register their arrival at the Black Horse PH, Tumblefield Road, Stansted TN15 7PR map reference: 606620 from 10.00am. Coffee and Tea are available in the pub and bacon rolls can be ordered in advance via the Event Secretary. An important briefing takes place at 10.50am to notify of any roadworks or floods etc. The Question Sheets will be handed out at 11.00am.
From 11.0am you have 3½ hours to plot your route and collect the best score that you can before arriving back at the Black Horse with your answers before the deadline of 2.30pm. Help is always freely given to novice teams before the event and when plotting map references. Map “Romers” (for plotting accurate map references are also provided free of charge. Please note – It is physically impossible to collect every answer in the time available and only your best 30 answers will count towards your final score. Points are awarded for correct answers but for every minute that you arrive back later than 2.30pm: one point is deducted from your score! The penalty for using electronic navigation aids is instant disqualification…
Shortly after 2.30pm while the work of checking the answers starts, there will be time to order a drink before food is served. The full Sunday Menu including Sunday Roasts will be available to order in advance via the Event Secretary and the appropriate Winter Sunday Menu details will be posted on this website when it becomes available.
Click here for a flyer – NAVISCAT FLYER
Click here for Supplementary regs – SUPPLEMENTARY REGS
Click here for application form – APPLICATION FORM
This event is organised under the auspices of MSUK (Our national sporting body) and will also be open to other clubs who are members of the Association of South East Motor Clubs – please check with the Event Secretary if you are unsure! Our Naviscats traditionally include a diverse range of interesting cars of all ages and it should be noted that experience shows that the slowest car can often win the event! Every driver and navigator must also possess a 2022 MSUK RS Clubmans Competition Licence which is available free of charge and can be printed from the MSUK website. All drivers must also have appropriate car insurance cover for the event and I am pleased to say that because we only use public highways and keep to the Highway Code, every car insurer checked so far has accepted that this risk as normal recreational driving.
To Register for this event please complete the form below. Once registered further information will be sent to you to complete your entry.