The sun shone on us at Belmont House in Kent for our Autumn Gathering. With the MGs lined up on the approach and in front of the house itself it made for an impressive sight.
Here is our Evenst organiser, Andrew Mitchell’s view of the day:-
Despite us recently purchasing the clubs new Coleman event shelter (A lighter, more portable event shelter), which had its first outing at Belmont House on Sunday 18th September – This years warm, dry summer meant the MGCCSE Autumn meeting was going to look optimistically good, for a change, and it maybe not needed after all?
However; With the new event shelter up, which also acted as for a focal point for signing on and all displaying pictures of our recent events – it may give us some welcome shade, instead?
This beautiful elegant 18th century house situated in grounds of more than 3000 acres, with its fantastic views may be not familiar with everyone? However, You might be more familiar with it once its been aired on this Autumn seasons BBC Antiques Roadshow, which was only filmed there a few weeks previously with Fiona Bruce.
A claim to fame, indeed ?!
A nice compact group of just over 30 MG’s ranging from 1935 to 2005 attended this years regular MGCCSE Autumn meeting, which was down on previous years and probably slightly down on previous years due to the Queens funeral taking place the following day.
Two run-in’s were also offered, which were also taken up by a number of our members.
In the concours / PoO line up, there included no fewer than two MG NA’s brought along by Philip Bayne Powell and his wife, Rosemary. In addition; John Langford brought along his immaculate and rare “Old English white” 1964 MG Magnette MkIV (complete with its unusual “terracotta” interior) , which entered the concours alongside a more modern 2005 MG ZR , being shown by the “ZR Concours Guru” – Richard Thorpe.
These cars joined Ian Russell and his immaculate 1969 MG Midget, which he had only purchased earlier this year; Robin Taylor’s MG ZR; David Brenchleys MGA and Trevor Grouts black MGBV8….all in lovely condition and a credit to their owners.
Amongst other non concours / PoO cars, attending on the day, there were two interesting early MGF’s. Andrew & Simon Buck-Honour’s 1995, totally original MGF in a rare “Old English white“ colour with red interior and which had been owned by them both, since new. The second interesting MGF was Malcolm and Janice LeGrys pre production MGF, in “Anthracite” with its desirable “SVC” number plate, which adorned the very early press cars and MG Rover owned demonstrators.
Trevor Osbourne also added further interest to the day by bringing along his “back-up MG”. Trevor’s Magnette, in the words of Rolls Royce – (had) “failed to proceed” and brought along his 1940 Ford Tudor saloon with a 5.7 litre engine, no less.