The MGCCSE, in conjunction with the Sevenoaks Motor Club, is hosting a taster Autosolo event at the unique setting of the old go-kart track at Filching Manor in Sussex.
Autosolos are a form of motorsport similar to an autotest but there is no reversing involved. The course is set on the old go-kart track at Filching Manor and will follow the course of the circuit where a series of cones will be laid out to negotiate in the quickest time possible. Because there is no reversing involved the course can sometimes be faster than a standard autotest.
This location has not been used for an autosolo before and so will be a unique opportunity to drive our MG (or other car) on this circuit.
No specialised equipment is needed and no helmets are required.
A MotorsportUK RS Clubman’s licence is required which is available free of charge from the MotorsportUK website. It is simply a registration of your participation in motor sport and you can apply by clicking the button below.
The cost of entry is £35 per enrtant – (More than one person can use the same car)
A flyer and more information can be fund by clicking the button below.
To register your interest in the event please fill in the form below:-