The MGCCSE East Kent Wanderers Group recently hit ten years old. The group is run by John Bennett and they held a celebratory run through the Kent lanes to mark the occasion. John tells us here, in his own words, about the anniversary.
“When we lived in Croydon, we belonged to the Surrey Wanderers who organise monthly runs starting somewhere for coffee and finishing some 30 miles later at a pub for lunch. When we moved to Herne Bay in Kent there was nothing like it so we started something very similar. We called it the East Kent Wanderers, or EKW, and our format is very much the same except that, whereas in Surrey, they require their members to belong to the MGCC, here in Kent, we welcome any keen MG owner of whatever affiliation.
March 1st saw us gather for our 10th-anniversary run and to mark the occasion we got ourselves invited to the F G Barnes MG Dealership near Canterbury for coffee where there was a suitably decorated cake to share.
All 33 of us then set off down the Kentish lanes to the same pub that had hosted us ten years ago. It was a memorable occasion all around also marked by being the first trip out in our newly acquired LE500, number 198 of the series.”