Damp Start may have been needed for some of the 60 or so MGs headed out to the Spring Meeting at Lullingstone Castle & World Garden. It rained for most of the day and that included on the two runs into the event from Godstone and Malling. There was plenty of water and flooded roads to contend with and that didn’t include the actual ford as you approached Lullingstone Castle itself. Happily, there was a narrow bridge option for that one though!
Both runs did make it safely and the MGs began to park up on the lawns in front of the house itself. The Pride of OWnership entries had pride of place right in front of the house but it was difficult for the entrants to display them properly due t the constant rain.

During the day there was a chance to tour the house and take a look around the World Garden before settling down to a picnic, taken by most sitting in their cars!
Despite the weather there were very few MGs booked that did not turn up on the day so a big thank you goes to those members who supported the Centre at this rather damp event.
The Pride of Ownership was self judged by the entrants and the Concours was judged by two of the club’s expert judges.
Congratualtions to the winners – Richard Thorpe with his MG3 won the concours, Karl Foot in his MGRV8 the Premier PoO and Tim Luffingham in his MGC the standard PoO
Thanks to the Ian Russell, Andrew Mitchell, John Morgan and the marshals and run organisers who all made the day happen.

Pictures from Lullingstone above and the prizewinners being presented with their rosettes by Chairman Tim Morris below.