The Sussex Scavengers returned safely and presented their answer sheets to quizmaster John Morgan. This is the second time that this event has been run in a different format. It combines a scenic MG tour as the Autumn Leave Run with a “scavenger” hunt. In this year’s case, the hunt was to identify locations in rural villages from a series of photographs.
It was based at The Owl pub in Kingsfold near Horsham where the hunters gathered and a few hours later returned to enjoy a Sunday roast whilst John marked the entry sheets.
There was a slight mix up on the day which resulted in Ian & Paula being bumped from the winners enclosure. The winner was, after recalculation, Ian McCullough in an original MGTF with a tie break going into second place won by Simon Gray in the MG Metro and Peter Begbey waving the modern MG flag with his MG4 in third place.
Just one casualty of the day – the MGVA seen below which had to be trailered home after a failed rotor arm.
Well done to all those that took part and thank you to John Morgan and Austin Banner for the organisation.