A Table Top rally takes place at home so you need not drive anywhere! All you need is an OS map as below and navigate on the map where you’ll answer a question at your destination. It’s great fun from the comfort of your home on a Sunday morning.
Table Top Rally
26th November 2023 –Regulations and Entry Form
This event is being hosted by Philip and Rosemary Bayne-Powell on behalf of the Inter Register Club and the MG Car Club. This event will take place in the comfort of your home, with no fee charged.
You will need the OS Landranger 1:50,000 Map186 –Aldershot and Guildford February 2016 edition (with new legend); available from dash4it.co.uk
Navigation techniques will be used such as spot heights, grid references, coloured roads etc. Not all routes will be on public roads. Answers to the questions will be found on the map at the end of each section, proving that you have correctly arrived at the finish.
There will be 15 sections with increasing scores, starting with the easier clues and getting harder with ensuing sections. If you get stuck on one section, move onto the next section, so as to get the most results, and hence a maximum score.
Please confirm you wish to partake in this event by completing the form below before Sunday 26th November 2023. Please state your virtual vehicle, so IRC points can be awarded. Also state the class that you are entering from the choice below.
Class A – Expert Competitors who have finished in the top five of any navigation scatter event or 12-car rally, or the top ten of a National B Rally, in the last 5 years.
Class B – Novice Competitors with more limited navigation experience.
As before, the instructions and questions will be sent to all novices by e-mail at 10.00am and the more difficult instructions to all experts by e-mail at 10.30am. You will then have 2 hours (Experts) and 21/2 hours (Novices) to complete the event by submitting your answers to the clues by e-mail to the organisers by 12.30. Late finishers incur a penalty of one point for every minute late.
Results will be distributed by e-mail as soon as possible on the following day, depending on the size of the entry..
If any further information or details are required, please e-mail Philip on [email protected] or phone 01483 811428.