Sunday 3rd March 2024
The Spring Naviscat begins and ends at The Inn on the Green in Ockley, Surrey where you can enjoy a Sunday lunch after spending the morning in the surrounding lanes busting clues.
Naviscats or Navigational Scatters as they are properly known test your map reading and plotting skills with clue-busting on three levels. They are the next step above the treasure hunt type event and you will need a crew of two people – one to navigate and one to drive. Both can then help solve the clues. Navigation is of your own choosing after plotting a number of points on an Ordnance Survey map.
All you need to bring is a pencil, metric ruler (or romer) and an OS Map number 187 for Dorking & Reigate (2013 edition). You’ll also need a free RS Clubman licence available by filling in a form on the MotorsportUK website – click the button below.
For more details and an event flyer click the button below – then complete the form on this page and Philip Bayne-Powell will get back to you or click the application form below and follow the instructions in the Supplementary Regulations to apply by bank transfer or cheque payment.
The cost is £12 per car for MGCC members or MotorsportUK affiliated members and £15 for non members. This is a MotorsportUK Taster and Streetcar event and, as such, is open to anyone who would like to “have a go”.