The annual South East trek to a South Coast beach took place at the beginning of August and was blessed with some beautiful weather on the lovely island of Haying. This meeting was originally intended as an MGF Register gathering and, as such, they are still the predominant model on the beach however others are now joining and this year we had an RV8, MGBGT, MGB roadster, MG GS and ….a BMW Z3.
It’s great to see some new faces at this event and we were delighted to be able to share it this year with members of the West Sussex MG Owners Club. It’s a minimal organisation event by making your own way there and parking in the beach car park behind the engine sheds. The Fish n Chip shop is just across the road and easily accessible from the pebble beach itself.
Beach games have become a feature and this year we played beach boules and hoop-la with new member Neil Woolhouse winning the boules and Les Hudson best on the hoops.
As the sun goes down and the games are done all that is left is to watch the remaining giant cruise ships leave Southampton and the sun go down behind the Spinnaker Tower. A pleasant way to spend a Summer afternoon and evening.