The MG Car Club South East is one of twelve “Centres” of the MG Car Club, which is based at Abingdon next to Cecil Kimber’s Office at the end of Cemetery Road.
The Centre represents the club in the South East and organises MGCC events in an area covering, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and South London. The Centre is run by a committee of a dozen or so members and is further broken down into “Natters” and “Wanderers” groups for more local connections.
The Centre organises a main series of events throughout the year which include vehicle runs, shows, naviscats and treasure hunts. The natters/wanderers groups organise local pub meets and short vehicle runs in their areas.
Some of the specific model MGCC Registers also organise events in the region including the MGF Register, whilst primarily catering for specific model MGs, others are welcome to join in.
There are regular committee meetings and natter/wanderer meetings where ideas concerning the Centre are discussed on a regular basis.
Click here to see the Natter/Wanderer/Register groups
Click here to see the members of the MGCCSE committee:

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